One New Member

Times are tough, and one of the first areas to be cut are membership dues. Businesses cut the expense and members often do, too. But don’t!

Think about what you are getting. NFPW connects you with about 1,500 other communicators. I can’t tell you how often I’ve reached out to members when I needed to hire a freelance writer or learn how to do something. Members also have helped guide me through the often murky waters of a job hunt or a new job.

Leadership opportunities abound. I cut my teeth on a newsletter for my state affiliate. I learned event planning because I coordinated several state conferences and, eventually, was co-director of the 2007 NFPW conference. Those skills translated when I had to coordinate quarterly awards ceremonies, National Night Out events, and milestone celebrations as part of my “other duties” in my job description.

So I hope you’ll renew when it comes time in the next several weeks. But more importantly, I hope that you will bring in a new member. Carol Clark, our newly elected secretary, came up with the campaign of “One New Member.” Your NFPW board committed to it — each of us is recruiting one new member. And those who attended the NFPW banquet Saturday night in San Antonio also heard the same challenge. 

Bring in one new member next year. Let’s grow this organization and share our resources, know-how, and networking with others.

Are you up to the challenge?


I thought it was about time that I put my money where my mouth is and start a communications blog. I was just elected president of National Federation of Press Women, and I hope to use this platform as a means to share with other members, potential members, and anyone who just enjoys communicating in today’s world.

A bit of background, I ran for president of NFPW, a 1,500-member professional communications group because I’ve gained so much from it — friendships, job skills, advice. It was time to give back.

My platform for the next two years is a SNAP!

Sustainability: It’s all about retaining and growing our membership. And that shouldn’t be difficult to do because of what NFPW is.

  • NFPW is a full-service organization offering something for members in all areas of communications, and I’d like us to sustain that. Our members indicate that the organization is beneficial to them, and I want to continue to provide members with what they NEED TO SUCCEED within their careers.

Networking: What can we do for you?

  • I’d like to build in more opportunities for CONSTRUCTIVE NETWORKING. At a recent conference we sat at tables based on our interests. That allowed individuals to meet other like-minded professionals. I would continue such activities and add others.
  • One of the easiest ways to network and remain current in today’s marketplace is networking through SOCIAL MEDIA, and I will make a big push for that. Join us on Facebook and LinkedIn and follow this blog.

 Professionalism: NFPW offers an outstanding conference each year. In addition, our affiliates host conferences, meetings and workshops.

  • The talent and resources exist, but we need to CAPITALIZE on them and SHARE by using easy-to-use technologies and social media.
  •  My goal is to offer teleseminars, on-line presentations, and other resources for our members at little to no cost.

 Additional platform, Fiscal Responsibility:

  • Prudent stewardship of our resources is needed. We need to focus on areas that benefit our members and take a hard line look at the budget, cutting costs in areas where we can and applying those funds to other areas that are more critical to our members’ needs.
  •  We need to streamline and find more efficient ways of operating.
  •  Equally important, we must be transparent with the budget and money so that members understand how fiscally responsible NFPW is with the resources entrusted to it.

I’m looking forward to the next two years. More importantly, I’m looking forward to engaging with you through this blog. Let’s start the conversation.