Productivity tips from the experts

For the past several evenings, I have been watching way too many videos, but it’s okay. They are an investment in myself. I recently blogged about the importance of investing in yourself, and one of the things I recommended was finding free webinars.

Capture_PeakWorkPerformanceThe Peak Work Performance Summit is a series of video talks with some of the top productivity names in the industry. It’s a wealth of “research-based insights and actionable tips for elevating your performance,” according to the email I received from Ron Friedman, author of “The Best Place to Work,” and organizer of the Summit. Unfortunately, the videos are no longer available for free, but you can purchase access.

Here are just a few of the takeaways I had –

Gretchen Rubin on Changing Your Habits noted, “Nothing is more exhausting than the task that is never started.” After watching her session, I wrote the introduction for a book idea I have. I’d been talking about writing the introduction for three months. I also developed a writing schedule. She also suggested developing some fun habits, including running down stairs because it’s energizing. I did it at work, and people commented on how much energy I had!

Christine Carter, who wrote, “The Sweet Spot: How to Find Your Groove at Home and Work,” talked about the “better than nothing workout.” Her point is that more is not necessarily better, especially if you don’t even start. I’m on a Fitbit quest, but there are days that 10,000 steps seem daunting. After listening to Carter, I gave myself permission to just walk 2,500 steps that day. Once I started, I was good. That day, I reached 7,700 steps. I was short a bit, but at least I moved.

Greg McKeown spoke about “the undisciplined pursuit of more.” The antidote, he said, “is the disciplined pursuit of less but better.” For example, when an opportunity presents itself, is it a great opportunity, or a just a good opportunity?

I have always been a list maker, and in the last few years, I’ve become even more intense about my lists. I feel vindicated now thanks to David Allen who said, “Don’t use your head as an office.” He said that writing things helps us stay clear and focused. He is the author of “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity.”

One of the ways, I have developed my skills is by volunteering through groups to which I belong. Dorie Clark, author of “Reinventing You,” recommended doing just that — volunteering in areas of interest where you want to take your career. “It can help you pivot,” she noted. She also recommended creating a networking plan and being strategic about who to spend time with and who you want to learn from.

Carrie Wilkerson, who wrote the “Barefoot Executive,” recommended picking one person and intentionally following them through the year, whether you invest with them or not. Currently, I personally pay a monthly fee to be part of an inner circle in which I get tips on earning positive media coverage. You could also follow a person’s blog or buy their book. The key, Wilkerson said, is to listen and not try to be on all the lists (of course, that’s easier said than done after participating in this summit!)

An underlying theme was the importance of developing and implementing routines. Doing so makes execution as effortless as possible, McKeown said. Turns out our mothers were right to line up our clothes for the week.

My takeaways were many, and I’ve put them on a master list so I don’t lose sight of them. Some of the items are action items, and I’ve assigned due dates to ensure that I follow through. Mostly though, I came away inspired.

Blog goals for 2016

Five hundred eighty-three – eight-four, if you count this one – blog posts since my first one back in September 2009. At that time I had just been elected president of NFPW, and I wanted a way to communicate with our national members on a regular basis.


The journey of my blog is taking a new bend (Photo by Cynthia Price).

At that time, I committed to posting twice a week. I don’t know what I was thinking. I had a full-time job, traveled frequently, and was president of a national communications group. Posting twice a week? But I did it – for several years. Last year I decided once a week would be enough.

For 2016 I’m planning to only post twice a month. It’s not because I don’t still enjoying writing the posts. In fact, I get a lot of benefit from the blog. I research topics that may be of interest to you, my readers, and to me. Then I write, edit and find artwork. It’s truly a labor of love.

But I realize that if I am to pursue my other passions – coaching, authoring books – that I need to find and make time in my schedule. I’m not willing to give up book club or volleyball. I am willing to scale back some on the blog.

I hope you will understand and continue to read, and even share it with others. As I pursue my other pursuits, I hope to eventually make the business more viable. So if you know anyone who is seeking a speaker please refer them to my speakers’ page. If you know someone who seeks a coach, please tell them about me, and what you have learned from these posts.

I plan to post around the first and fifteenth of each month. If I’m at a conference and have multiple topics, I may post more frequently. As always, I enjoy hearing from you, whether in person, on Twitter (@PriceCynthia) or when you post a comment.

I’m looking forward to 2016!