
During a particularly challenging time in my career, I was fortunate to have a coach. He helped me navigate the rough seas, and I was able to reach my destination. That journey led me to where I am today.

Coaching is helpful if you are in a mid-career crisis or if you are looking to reinvent yourself. How do you find a good coach? And should yours be a career coach, executive coach or life coach? When should you seek one?

  1. Know what you want to learn or achieve. If you don’t know that, a coach most likely won’t be able to help. What do you want from the experience of coaching?
  2. Identify when you want to hire a coach. Maybe you need to wait for the tax refund. Maybe you need to meet a big deadline first.
  3. Ask for recommendations from friends and colleagues. Explore online (much of coaching is done remotely).
  4. Review their credentials and content. Most coaches today share their knowledge through blogs, podcasts and videos. A look at the materials will give you an idea about their style and personality.
  5. Realize that the person you coach with today, may not be the one you coach with 20 years from now. You want to work with the coach who is most qualified to help you with your specific challenge.

A coach can make all the difference as you navigate your rough seas. Be sure that you find the right captain for your journey.